Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: 17 Australian police injured in Solomons, says Downer

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: 17 Australian police injured in Solomons, says Downer

CANBERRA, April 19 AAP - The number of Australian police injured in the Solomon Islands
has risen to 17 and Canberra is now likely to send the army back to the country, Foreign
Minister Alexander Downer says.

Fresh violence in the capital Honiara overnight, including the burning of shops and
other buildings, has forced the government to consider a military deployment, with a decision
due later this morning.

Initial reports had indicated eight officers had been injured in the violence.

Mr Downer said it now appeared likely Australian soldiers would be sent back to the country.

"We'll have to give very early consideration today to whether we send elements of the
army back there to restore order," he told ABC radio.

"We have quite a few troops on 24-hour standby in Townsville.

"We can send them pretty quickly and we'll be looking at that during the course of this morning.

"But there's a very good chance that on the basis of the advice we've now had from
Honiara that at least some troops will be sent there."

Mr Downer confirmed 17 Australian and two other members of the Regional Assistance
Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) had been injured in the riots.

It is understood one officer will be flown back to Australia on Friday for further treatment.

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