Thursday, March 15, 2012

Korea: Daegu weaving district faces crisis

There is a clear and rising trend toward bankruptcy and the closure of business in the Daegu weaving district because exports of polyester filament woven fabrics have not shown any signs of recovery and both weaving and dyeing industries are continuing at low levels. In this situation, some people have even begun to suggest that the weaving district is going to collapse.

Exports of polyester filament woven fabrics showed a recovery trend in summer last year, but order bookings became slow again in the fourth quarter and these exports have moved without any signs of an upturn since the start of this year. Many weavers consider, "The current order booking is about half of last …




WASHINGTON _ Republican John McCain intensifies iticism of Barack Obama's vow to pull troops out of Iraq, saying the Democratic presidential candidate's plan would lay the Arab nation open to the kind of chaos that gripped it 18 months ago. By Steven R. Hurst.

AP Photos ILJH102, MICK135.


WASHINGTON _ The first war crimes trial at Guantanamo Bay can begin Monday, a federal judge rules, saying civilian courts should let the military process play out as Congress intended. By Matt Apuzzo.




For every $1 sent to Uncle Sam, state gets back $1.61

West Virginians are some of the country's biggest consumers ofpork.

And we're not talking pig here.

When it comes to channeling federal dollars toward their homestate, members of West Virginia's congressional delegation are top-notch.

Government money coming West Virginia's way includes one-timeprojects and ongoing programs and employment. Public sector dollarshave helped spur economic development in the state.

Two of the five-person delegation - Sen. Robert Byrd and Rep. AlanMollohan - sit on the powerful Senate and House appropriationscommittees. The committees decide how and where federal money willbe spent.

Byrd, the former Senate majority …

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Musculoskeletal case 19. Presentation

A 33-year-old man presented with a 2-year history of intermittent, progressive, aching pain of his right knee. He had also lately noted some restriction of movement On examination there was mild tenderness over the medial joint line, with minimal swelling. Plain radiographs were initially obtained to evaluate the cause of his pain (Figs. 1 and 2). On the basis of the plain radiographic findings, magnetic resonance imaging was performed. Fig. 3 is a representative sagittal T^sub 2^-weighted gradient echo image and Fig. 4 is a representative transaxial T^sub 2^-weighted image. From these imaging characteristics, what is your diagnosis?

For the diagnosis and discussion see page 468. …

Spain sees good demand in debt auction

MADRID (AP) — Spain raised nearly euro4 billion ($5.5 billion) Thursday in bonds in an auction that showed good investor interest despite the turmoil hitting markets on the fringes of the eurozone.

The government meanwhile moved on two other fronts — tax policy and labor market reform — to try to chip away at the budget deficit and a 21 percent unemployment rate.

The Finance Ministry said it sold euro3.95 billion in bonds of three different maturities, just shy of the euro4 billion ceiling the government had set.

These bonds, which mature in July 2019 and April and October of 2020, were an installment of a 10-year issuance carried out months ago. So yields in Thursday's …

'Gossip Girl' star Crawford arrested on pot charge

Texas authorities say "Gossip Girl" heartthrob Chace Crawford faces a marijuana possession charge after being arrested in the Dallas suburb of Plano.

Police spokesman Rick McDonald says Crawford was arrested in a parked vehicle early Friday morning. He was booked and later released on a misdemeanor charge of possessing less than two ounces of marijuana.

Crawford's …

Tariff issue divides steel makers, other manufacturers

Lawmakers, steel companies and unions urged a trade panel to keepsteel tariffs on some foreign imports for five more years. Carmakersand appliance manufacturers said it's time to let competition backinto the market.

The U.S. International Trade Commission is reviewing penalties putin place in 1999 to stop a flood of low-priced hot-rolled steel fromBrazil, Japan and Russia. A second wave of steel imports from 11other countries led to additional tariffs in 2002, which PresidentBush lifted in late 2003.

"Unfortunately, unfairly traded imports of hot-rolled steel havecontinued to plague this industry and continued to harm steel workersand their families," Rep. Ted …